I was there halloween at 3 am with my husband, I have a picture of an orb U can barely read the stone and an evp says lets play, Im a 64 year old terminally ill medium we go there after chemo to rest, I don;t know who u are or how to send to u, You just have to take my word for it, the tree still stands where little Jimmy fell to his death and there is another boy that roams his grave was taken down by a car accident, I was not lucky to capture him but I did capture the light house keeper that night as well as the girls laughing, I don’t do tours I know the history I know where to go, Most of the hosts are full of poo, I know their emf det, are faked I know the stories they tell are just lore, Ive proven it, Do your self a justice u will capture more on your own, Get u a recorder and a emf dec off the net and get a couple of different mega pix cameras buy used, its the card u want, Ive done this for many years co wrote books done tv have several friends in the business, U will get more alone than in a tour, spirits don’t like it when tons of people come disturb them, Ask permission to come in their world they may like it may tell u to go, But you will get more alone, Reply